Headteacher’s Welcome
Learn about what makes us stand out from the crowd
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website and find out more about our wonderful school.
Endon Hall is a community school, situated in Staffordshire Moorlands, with a Governor run Nursery and full wraparound care.
Click to view our – Endon Hall Vision & Core Values
Our Vision — At Endon Hall Primary & Nursery School we strive to provide an excellent education and primary school experience that enables every child to realise their potential, achieve their academic and personal best, and feel included, challenged and supported. We aim to achieve this together, through ambition and an aspiration for excellence in all aspects of our work.
Our Mission Statement — We believe that, through realisation of our vision, we will empower children and equip them with the skills and attributes to make a positive contribution as individuals and citizens, realising success for the future. We have created a strong sense of identity, belonging and pride in our school and are all collectively responsible for nurturing safe, healthy, confident and responsible individuals.
Our ethos is underpinned by Our Core Values of Respect, Resilience and Responsibility, combining to create Ready, Reflective, and Resourceful learners who are prepared for their next stage of learning, and for life.
We are wholly committed to ensuring that every child fulfils their potential, both academically and personally. There is a rigorous approach to teaching the core skills, along with a clear commitment to a broad, balanced curriculum, and an emphasis on teaching children how to learn and cooperate with others, through our approach to lifelong learning.
We place significant value on the positive contribution children make to school life and have a very strong commitment to personal development. We ensure plentiful opportunities for pupil voice and work collaboratively with our stakeholders and the school community to strengthen the opportunities and experiences we provide during children’s primary schooling.
Collectively, the staff and Governing Board share a passion and strong desire to continually improve and achieve success.
If you would like to see us in action, we welcome prospective parents/carers to come along and tour the school or Nursery at their convenience (just contact the school office to make an appointment). We are always delighted and proud to share Endon Hall with others.
It is an absolute privilege to lead our successful school.
Miss V Lewis (Headteacher)
Our School Day
The timings for our school day differ for each age phase.
Our Before and After School provision (Phoenix Club) enables the school day to be extended for all age groups, if required.
Phoenix Club opens for breakfast at 7.30am.
After school, Phoenix Club closes at 5.30pm.
We also have a range of After School activities that take place from 3.30pm to 4.30pm.