Get Involved With YOUR School Council…

Our School Council and our Eco Council are always working hard to support our school.


School Council…

Our school council help to improve our school in a number of ways. They put across the pupil voice by gathering ideas from their own classes and feeding back during School Council meetings. Their work to date has included:

  • Learning about democracy through a visit from a local Councillor and virtual attendance at the Children’s Parliament
  • A healthy eating poster campaign
  • Setting up a ‘problem pass’ system to help children share and receive support for their worries/problems
  • Planning charity days
  • Suggesting ideas for events & fundraising
  • Giving their opinions on school life and running regular clinics to listen to pupil voice
Eco Council…

The Eco Council are committed to improving the school with their involvement in a number of projects. Their work to date has included:

  • Setting up a team of weekly litter collectors
  • Leading assemblies about how to be more Eco-friendly
  • Working on a project with the Local Authority to save energy
  • Planting trees around the school grounds
  • Creating posters to promote eco friendly habits
Other projects have included:

– Learning about water usage and raising money for Water Aid

– Growing fruit and vegetables 

– Recycling 

– Supporting our local Food Bank